Photography Below are galleries of my nature photography. I also regularly post my photo on my Instagram page. Birds Barred Owl Snowy Owl Great Horned Owl Eastern Screech Owl Eastern Screech Owl Northern Harrier Red-Tailed Hawk American Kestrel Yellow-rumped Warbler Yellow Warbler Yellow-throated Warbler Palm Warbler Chestnut-sided Warbler Pine Warbler Common Yellowthroat Ovenbird Magnolia Warbler Black and White Warbler Song Sparrow Song Sparrow Savannah Sparrow Eastern Towhee Dark-eyed Junco Ruby-crowned Kinglet Ruby-crowned Kinglet Golden-crowned Kinglet Ruby-throated Hummingbird Ruby-throated Hummingbird Yellow-billed Cuckoo Eastern Wood Pewee Eastern Wood Pewee Barn Swallow Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Bobolink Eastern Bluebird Northern Cardinal Gray Catbird House Finch Red-winged Blackbird Red-breasted Nuthatch Mallard Black-crowned Night Heron (immature) Black-crowned Night Heron Green Heron Sandhill Cranes Landscapes Sunset at St. James Farm Fall Trees at McKee Marsh Rainstorm at Peck Farm Fall at Herrick Lake Fall Reflection at Herrick Lake Fall Tree Reflection Fall Foliage at Greene Valley Frost at McKee Marsh Frost at St. James Farm Insects Female Widow Skimmer Halloween Pennant Dragonfly Pondhawk Ebony Jewelwing Damselfly Snowberry Clearwing Moth Snowberry Clearwing Moth Silver-spotted Skipper Monarch Monarch Monarch Zebra Butterfly White Peacock Butterfly Fritillary Butterfly Malachite Butterfly Plants Blackbird Cushion Spurge Purple Persian Shield Purple Aster Bittersweet Spindle Tree Golden Leaves Forest Fairies Spruce Golden Hour Dew Cover Straw Flowers